

May the universe and powers I cannot see

grant me the inner peace and security

along with my blood and chosen family

and loves across many a community

(who understand this is all temporary)

to survive this impending calamity

and to discover by any means necessary

how to claim and hold fast to prosperity 🙏

to name things

long before this time this

pile of rock in front of us

had a different name,

long before us its name

meant another thing. we claim

our time with names. each name,

one life. other times, other names.

another epoch, another time.

our time isn’t named yet –

someone else’ll do that later.

Poem, 6/2

when i die, happy explosions will be yours.

we tried so hard, these tiny

atoms of consequence.

a billion letters never sent,

words i couldn’t express:

all will resolve, calmly

forming an other’s

quest for meaning.